Tulip Time

I love the absolute excess of masses and masses of tulips – their exuberance, their riot of color. On the Upper West Side there’s a lovely community garden that’s nestled among tall buildings https://www.westsidecommunitygarden.org/. Here residents tend a pocket garden that runs between 89th and 90th streets between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues. The garden is a gathering place for anyone who happens by, with benches and a few tables and a meandering path on several levels that allow you to wander and admire and exclaim. The community garden holds an annual tulip festival in the spring that runs for a couple of weeks. What an astonishing variety of tulips in a small space!
I don’t know who the gardeners are, but I thank them from the bottom of my heart for providing such a glorious place to read, write, think, and enjoy.

Wow Celine. Thanks so much for sharing. Such a beautiful oasis.